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Stekoa Creek
Watershed Management Plan
In cooperation with the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission and the GA DNR, we’re working in Rabun County to address “non-point” sources of pollution in the Stekoa Creek watershed by implementing our recently completed Stekoa Creek Watershed Management Plan.  The project includes working with the Food Bank of NE Georgia on a green infrastructure demonstration project on Hwy. 441, where pavement within Stekoa Creek’s 50-foot stream buffer zone will be replaced with rain gardens, tree islands, and sections of permeable pavement to mitigate stormwater runoff into the creek.  We will also be working with the Rabun County Health Department to replace failing septic systems, and with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to implement an agricultural Best Management Practices project. We’ve also created the Citizen’s Guide to the Stekoa Creek Watershed, a small publication for the public to learn about the issues and how to get involved.
Stekoa Creek next to the Food Bank parking lot
Rain garden water delivery system in Stekoa Creek Park
Agriculture on She Creek, a tributary to Stekoa Creek
Learn More About Our Other Stekoa Creek Initiatives