Although not widely publicized, users of the Chattooga River have been cautioned by the U. S. Forest Service that under certain conditions, contact with water below the Stekoa/ Chattooga confluence may carry the risk of bacterial infections. Persistent lack of corrective actions by federal, state and local authorities has been responsible for the continued deterioration of the Stekoa Creek, which is listed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GA DNR) as a polluted waterway under section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act. For the past several years, the Chattooga Conservancy has made the neglected issue of improving water quality in Stekoa Creek one of our top priorities. Currently, our Stekoa Creek Restoration Campaign consists of several interrelated projects, which are:
Monitoring, Oversight, & Cooperative
Proin in arcu est. Duis id faucibus risus. Donec vel sem nulla. Donec quis fermentum ante, at mattis odio. Ut euismod ac nunc vel ornare. Vestibulum ut magna erat. Aenean vitae tellus arcu. Etiam orci enim, tempus eu iaculis sed, consequat id augue. Ut non massa ut ex pharetra placerat. Quisque egestas blandit aliquam. Nam nec venenatis sem. Donec sollicitudin massa quis mi consectetur, fringilla feugiat nisi auctor. Nunc risus erat, fringilla non sem sed, pharetra porttitor metus. Morbi mollis tincidunt magna id tincidunt. Fusce consequat ipsum tincidunt eros molestie pellentesque. Curabitur vel congue diam.