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Comment: Chattooga River Corridor Master Planning

On Friday, Nov. 20th, the Southern Region of the USDA Forest Service released a proposed list of deferred maintenance projects selected for Great American Outdoors Act funding in FY2022. The public may submit comments on the proposed list until Monday, Nov. 30.

Across the board, the projects appear to be standard brick-and-mortar, with the exception of one:

40GAOA REC-081202-22-2 AP Chattooga River Corridor Master Planning : “Develop master plan for the Chattooga River corridor and river access points, a forward-looking master plan forms strategic backbone of outyear projects. The process identifies type/scope of improvements for the next 10-15 years along the Chattooga River.”

According to the District Ranger on the Andrew Pickens Ranger District, this plan would focus on the corridor below Hwy 28 and would not involve creating/designating more access, but would focus on how to “best serve the public.” Beyond this, we are not yet clear on what will be involved in the plan or its development.

Please submit comments and request that the Andrew Pickens Ranger District include the Chattooga Conservancy as a partner in this planning effort. As the only organization dedicated solely to protecting the Chattooga River watershed, representing hundreds of citizens with vested interest in the management of the river corridor and surrounding national forests, we are well-positioned to provide valuable input in the development of this plan on behalf of our members. Please submit comments by Monday, Nov. 30! Be sure to reference the specific project number and title referenced above in your comments, as these will be submitted to the larger Southern Region of the USFS.